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What’s Happening

Power Patrol Meeting Today!

01/19/16 Pearson 6th Grade Center

We are making a game plan for the rest of the year. Get ready!


12/11/15 Red Oak Elementary

We had a great meeting. 1. Discussion of reviewing classes "ADOPTING AN AREA" in the school to keep clean. We will be emailing teachers to get this completely set up. 2. Discussion of CLEAN UP DAYS each month/week.


12/11/15 Red Oak Elementary

Idea was to have each class help out in one area. Classroom 1...Tables. Classroom 2....Chairs Classroom 3...Floor Classroom 4...Computers turned off each evening. Classroom 5...General pick-up. Possible dusting.


12/11/15 Red Oak Elementary

There was a request from our principal, Mr. Perrine, to come up with signs that all look unified in our building for ADOPTING AN AREA. Right now we are researching this project and looking for ideas. One idea is to have them look like ADOPT A HIGHWAY SIGNS. IDEAS WELCOME!


12/11/15 Red Oak Elementary

ALL THE POWER PATROLS ARE DOING A GREAT JOB OF checking rooms are saving energy and recycling properly. We are seeing improvements all the time. Way to go, PPP patrols.

Pearson Pledge Tables

12/08/15 Pearson 6th Grade Center

Power Patrol will be out Tuesday and Thursday morning collecting pledges. Come stop by our tables in the locker bays!


12/08/15 Central Family Center

Posters are in your mailbox to hang in your offices.


12/08/15 Central Family Center

January will be our next activity! Get ready for winter break

Winter Shut Down

12/08/15 Central Family Center

Don’t forget to shut down everything next Friday for winter break. Lights, computers, printers, refrigerators, windows closed, etc.

Pizza Party Winners

12/08/15 Red Oak Elementary

Mr. Helmbrecht’s class won a pizza party for having plants in their classroom. Congratulations to their class.